

Craig Hemke – Gold & Silver CoT Update, US Funds Are Loaded On The Long Side

September 10, 2024

Craig Hemke, Editor of TF Metals Report joins us for an in-depth analysis of the latest Commitment of Traders (CoT) report and fund positioning in the precious metals market. Craig elaborates on the current bullish trends observed in gold and silver, particularly focusing on the significant positions taken by large speculators and hedge funds. We discuss the importance of tracking CoT reports to understand market dynamics and historical trends, which can indicate future price movements. 


Craig also highlights the broader economic influences, such as global demand from Eastern countries, including China and India, and how these may affect precious metals prices. The discussion extends to the potential risks associated with large speculative positions and the outlook for silver in relation to gold. Additionally, we explore the implications of the upcoming Fed meeting and its potential impact on market momentum. Craig shares his perspectives on whether the anticipated rate cuts have been priced into the market and how these decisions could set the tone for the remainder of the year.


Click here to visit Craig’s website – TF Metals Report




    Sep 10, 2024 10:00 PM

    OK , I will bite and post some comments. First, another great job by Cory and Shad and some really helpful information. Analysts appear to be apprehensive about the words intervention and manipulation but my account still shows up in their dictionary.
    Today I made some more decisions and bought into Arizona Metals. Share price is about 5 times what I like to spend but since I am heading toward depletion … what the heck. If all miners have no value, then all investments are going to zero if they are involved in the discovery or production of commodities. I am only going off of price. I have been looking at some hybrid vehicles and since they are structured from commodities they have no value. So comparing the price of miners to vehicles, I only need to move one out of the driveway and be paid for getting a new car.
    Obviously they don’t price vehicles like the materials they make them from, so I will have to give them my house along with 200,000 shares of invidia for a used Yugo. Seems fair as the alternative is being sent to Russia for military service and the hope of being a cable salesman in Palestine.
    I also picked up some Group Eleven and with my Galantas could maybe visit those sites in Ireland as potential shelters until the Bullion banks get bailed out by Transylvania in the new world order in the the United World of Morgan.
    All time lows a daily occurrence and false prior day closings becoming more prevalent. Criminals never stop so no use humoring them.

    Sep 11, 2024 11:56 AM

    The real culprit is Big Tech it is now controlling our thoughts (George Orwell) it is already deciding how we should live in 15-minute cities, picking our leaders through thought control and soon the complacent citizenry that is easily manipulated by it (covid restrictions) will be replaced by robotic machines that resemble us. The populace doesn’t understand that the cell phones they are so fond of are designed to replace our control. DT

    Sep 11, 2024 11:00 PM

    The top 7 cities to avoid are run by ignorant assholes aka Democrats:


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